Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hattie Big Sky by Kirby Larson

At a time when vampire romances seem to dominate much of what my 7th grade girls have been reading lately, I looked forward to finally reading Hattie Big Sky, a book that we added to our lit. circle tubs last summer but that I had yet to read. And let me say that I was entirely impressed. Hattie Brooks, a 16-year old girl who heads to Montana to prove up on her deceased uncle's homestead claim, is a true heroine. She faces hardships of all types in order to work her uncle's claim, including milking a temperamental cow, figuring out how to fence off her property, and surviving extreme weather. Through it all, she is able to rely on the kindness of the Mueller family that lives nearby, a bachelor called Rooster Jim, a spirited spinster named Leafie Purvis, and Hattie's cat Mr. Whiskers. But the book deals with more than the hardships of making a new life; it also centers pieces of the plot around the uncertainties and prejudice that arose within the United States because of World War I. Students learn about the suspicions locals had toward German settlers and how groups like the County Council of Defense pressured everyone to show their loyalty to the United States. For those girls who need romance, there's a hint of it as well, done in a way that won't make parents and teachers cringe and that will make girls long for a sequel. I will definitely encourage my students to read about Hattie Brooks, a real heroine - strong in character, courage, and faith.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for these kind words about Hattie! I am dipping my toes into the sequel pool so will let you know how that works out.

    Thanks for being the kind of amazing teacher who works very hard to connect kids to books.


    Kirby Larson
